Exhibition 'Grains de Folie' at Musée Alexis Forel: 1.11.2024 - 31.3. 2025
works by Gisèle and Nag Ansorge, Christina Benz, Clémence Bouchereau, Dode Lambert, Anne-Sophie Girault, Danièle Mussard and Nara Normande, curated by Chloé Hofmann
31.10.2024 19h Opening
01.11.2024 - 30.03.2025 Exhibition, more info: museeforel.ch
27.11.2024 18.30h Chloé Hofmann Book Vernissage and Shortfilms at Cinema Capitole, Cinémathèque Suisse, Lausanne, more info: cinematheque.ch
23.01.2025 19h Live Performance ‚vice versa‘ - Christina Benz & Nicole Johänntgen (sand drawing & saxophone). Reservation for 23.1.25: https://museeforel.ch/manifestation/2149/
RTS Reportage and Interview with curator Chloé Hofmann: rts.ch

Now on Play Suisse; 'G', 'Fulesee' and 'Berta, hingegen Jonas, aber Frau Wohlgemut'
The Shortfilms are now available on Play Suisse, the Swiss Streaming Plattform, in German / French / Italian. www.playsuisse.ch watch 'G' watch 'Berta, however Jonas, but Mrs. Wohlgemut' watch 'Fulesee'

Kunsthaus Interlaken, 'Vice Versa – Nicole Johänntgen & Christina Benz': December 17, 2023
Premiere of the live performance 'Vice Versa – Nicole Johänntgen, Saxophone & Christina Benz, Sand Drawings'.

'Fulesee' is the Short film of the Week at Trigger Play SRF: November 10-17, 2023.

Tricky Women/Tricky Realities Festival, onsite+online, Vienna: March 8-12, 2023
'Fulesee' is shown in the Focus on Switzerland: 'Experiences & Encounters', curated by Saskia von Virág in collaboration with and supported by Swiss Films. Further info: https://online.trickywomen.at/
Online: Sun. 12.3., 20:00 / online available for 48 hours
Cinema: Sun. 12.3., 13:00 + Q&A / Historischer Saal, METRO Kino
Cinema: Sun. 12.3., 13:00 + Q&A / Historischer Saal, METRO Kino

Cinejoy Virtual Festival, globally: March 1-12, 2023
Cinejoy Virtual Festival featuring the Artists & Films of Cinequest – ‚Berta, however Jonas, but Mrs. Wohlgemut‘ is part of this fest of screenings and events! Line up, tickets and further info: https://www.cinequest.org/ or https://creatics.org/

ALCINE 51, Madrid: November 3-13, 2022
'G' will be shown in the short film program 'ALCINE Languages' at the Teatro Salón Cervantes in Alcalá de Henares, more info: https://alcine.org

Filmfest, Kaufbeuren: October 2-16, 2022
'Berta, however Jonas, but Mrs. Wohlgemut' will be shown in the competition 'Dach02' on Monday, October 3, 20.15-22.15, on Wednesday, October 5, 18.00-20.00 and on Saturday, October 8, 14.00-16.00 at Corona Kinoplex in Kaufbeuren. Tickets and info: https://filmzeit-festival.de

Kinofest, Patras: September 22-25, 2022
'Fulesee' will be shown at Kinofest on September 23, 20.05 at Goethe-Zentrum in Patras, more info: https://kinofest.gr

Cinequest Film & Creativity Festival 2022, San Jose: August 16-29, 2022
'Berta, however Jonas, but Mrs. Wohlgemut' celebrates its US premiere at Cinequest Film & Creativity Festival 2022, very happy to be part of the Official Selection, Shorts 04: Animated Worlds. On Saturday, August 20, 2022 at Hammer Theatre Centre, San Jose and on Sunday, August 28, at Pruneyard Cinemas. Tickets and info: https://cinequest.org

Santorini Film Festival 2022, 15. July 2022, Nomination for Best Animated Short
'Fulesee' is nominated for 'Best Animated Short' at Santorini Film Festival, presented at the open air Cinema Kamari on the island of Santorini, on July 15, 2022: Tickets and info: https://www.santorinifilmfest.com/2022

Cabriolet Film Festival: June 3-5, 2022
‚Fulesee‘ is part of the short film program on June 5, 8 pm, open air! More information: https://cabrioletfilmfestival.com

60th Ann Arbor Film Festival: March 22-27, 2022
‚Fulesee‘ is part of the competition program ‚Animation - Films in Competition 9’, presented on Friday 3/25 9.15pm at the Michigan Theater as well as via on-demand viewing until 3/31. Program and ticket info: https://www.aafilmfest.org

Blue Danube Film Festival Vienna/Budapest: January 16-23, 2022
‚Fulesee‘ is part of the Official Selection 2022, programme and ticket info: https://www.bluedanubefilmfestival.hu

Cantonale Berne Jura at Kunsthaus Langenthal: Dec. 2, 2021 - Jan. 16, 2022
'Fulesee' is presented at the art exhibition Cantonale Bern Jura at Kunsthaus Langenthal. Around thirty artists show the wide range of artistic creation in the Cantonale region in drawings, paintings, collages, videos, objects, photographs and a performance.
Opening Wednesday, 1 December 2021, 6.00 pm
Welcome and introduction by Raffael Dörig, Director Kunsthaus Langenthal, followed by aperitif.
Welcome and introduction by Raffael Dörig, Director Kunsthaus Langenthal, followed by aperitif.
Art Bar on Wednesday, 12 January 2022, 7.00 pm
Guided tour with the artists of the exhibition, followed by bar.
Guided tour with the artists of the exhibition, followed by bar.

Animateka International Animated Film Festival: November 29 - Dezember 5, 2021
The shortfilm 'Berta, however Jonas, but Mrs. Wohlgemut' is part of the Panorama programme. Tickets and info: https://www.animateka.si

Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur: November 9-14, 2021
The shortfilm 'Fulesee' is part of the programme Main Focus, / Follow Rivers, followed by a Q&A with the filmmakers, on Wednesday, 10.11., at 20.30 and on Saturday, 13.11., at 16.30. https://www.kurzfilmtage.ch/EN/

Kulturbüro Zürich: October 27, 2021
A new artwork by Christina Benz will be shown at the culture office, while the Minishop will be hosting Ana's Lab. The opening will be held on Wednesday, October 27, from 7 p.m. https://www.kulturbuero.ch/zh/

Fantastic News from the Lake Placid Film Festival: Best Animation goes to 'Fulesee'!!!

© Adirondack Film Society, Lake Placid Film Festival

Film Festival Lake Placid: October 21-24, 2021
'Fulesee is part of the Shorts Session #4: Programme and ticket info: https://www.adirondackfilm.org/event/lake-placid-film-festival

Festival of Animation Berlin: October 1-3, 2021
‚Fulesee’ is part of the international competion IV‘: Programme and ticket info:

Best of Swiss Animation / CH:Filmszene on Swiss Television, SRF 1: September 13, 2021
'Fulesee', 'Berta, however Jonas, but Mrs. Wohlgemut' and 'G' are part of the programme 'Best of Swiss Animation', late night on TV or anytime via replay on SRF Online: https://www.srf.ch/play/tv/

Fantoche, Baden: September 7-12, 2021
‚Berta, however Jonas, but Mrs. Wohlgemut‘ is part of the programme ‚100 years of Swiss animated film: Animation au féminin‘. Programme and ticket info: https://fantoche.ch/en/2021/programme/animation-au-feminin

Open Air Filmsoirée at the Landshut Castle, Utzenstorf: August 27, 2021
'Fulesee' is shown before the feature film 'Udine'. https://www.schlosslandshut.ch/

Festival du Cinéma Européen, Lille: April 2-9, 2021
'G' celebrates festival premiere at the Europeen Film Festival in Lille, https://eurofilmfest-lille.com

Kaboom Animation Festival: 31. March 31 - April 5, 2021
'Fulesee' is part of the offbeat shorts programme, https://www.kaboomfestival.nl/

56. Solothurner Filmtage, January 20-27, 2021
'Berta, however Jonas, but Mrs. Wohlgemut' will be presented at the Solothurn Film Festival 2021, in 'Familienfilme' from 24.-27. January and in the 'short film programme VI' from 25.-28. January 2021. Programme and ticket infos: www.solothurnerfilmtage.ch

Zebra Poetry Film Festival, Berlin, Nov. 19-22, 2020 / Dec. 7-15, 2020 online
'Fulesee' has been selected for the international competition: Animated Poetry. Due to the pandemic this year's festival has to move online, accessible for the audience anywhere in Germany. https://haus-fuer-poesie.org, https://vimeo.com/ondemand/zebrapoetryfilmgerman/

Cinanima, Espinho/Portugal, November 9-15, 2020
'Fulesee' has been selected for the Grande Panorama Cinanima 2020. https://www.cinanima.pt/grande-panorama. Due to the pandemic, the audience located anywhere in Portugal can watch all films online: https://cinanima.kinow.tv/en/

DOK Leipzig, October 26 - November 1, 2020
'Fulesee' is part of the International Short Film Competition of the 63rd International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film. Check out the programme: https://www.dok-leipzig.de. Due to the pandemic, the festival is hybrid, all films are accessible online for the audience located in Germany. As DOK Leipzig couldn't invite filmmakers for this year's festival, they asked us to send a video message instead:
Watch our video introduction 'Fulesee Insights by Christina Benz, Patric Marino & Oli Kuster'

'Zürich liest' festival – literary short films by Christina Benz, Kosmos, October 22-28, 2020
During the 'Zürich liest' literature festival, the three shortfilms 'G' (Author: Gion Mathias Cavelty), 'Berta, however Jonas, but Mrs. Wohlgemut' (Author: Judith Keller), and 'Fulesee' (Author: Patric Marino) will be shown at Kosmos Cinemas before the main movies. 90 Screenings in one week! Check the full cinema programme: https://kosmos.ch, https://www.zuerich-liest.ch

Animatou International Animation Film Festival Geneva, October 1-10, 2020
'Fulesee' is in the Swiss Competition: October 3, 18.30 - 20.30 at Alhambra. https://animatou.com

Kurzfilmnacht Zürich, Kosmos, September 4, 2020
'Fulesee' at the shortfilm night in Zurich, 20.15 (Kosmos 1, presented by Alexandra Götz) and 20.45 (Kosmos 3, presented by Lynn Gerlach), Q&A in both cinemas with Christina Benz, Patric Marino and Oli Kuster. https://www.kurzfilmnacht.ch

Photo: © Maya Wäber

38. Flickers' Rhode Island International Film Festival: August 4-9, 2020
International premiere of Fulesee at Flickers' Rhode Island International Film Festival. Saturday, August 8, 2020, 9.30pm. http://film-festival.org

Photo: RIIFF Around the World Campaign

55. Solothurner Filmtage: January 22-29, 2020
'Fulesee' celebrated its festival premiere at the Solothurn Film Festival 2020. Tuesday 21.1.2020, 19:30 Reithalle (Projection spéciale), Saturday 25.1.2020, 15:15 Reithalle , Sunday 26.1.2020, 12:00 Konzertsaal , Monday 27.1.2020, 12:15 Kino Canva. www.solothurnerfilmtage.ch
Projection spéciale

Photos: © Module+, Solothurner Filmtage
Preview at the press conference of the Solothurn Film Festival at Houdini and Zurich Filmtalks at Xenix, "Wir love... Anita Hugi", presented by Simone Meier, 12.12.2019

Photos: © Module+, Solothurner Filmtage

Shifting Sands, Wild Card 9 Strauhof Zürich: September 22-28, 2019
Shifting Sands has been presented within the framework of a Wild Card at Strauhof, Museum for Literature in Zürich. The films were shown as work in progress, alongside with a series of performances and interactions with the audience. Participating authors and musicians: Gion Mathias Cavelty, Nicole Johänntgen, Judith Keller, Die Astronauten (Patric Marino & Oli Kuster). Salonpalaver: Gianna Olinda Cadonau, Tim Krohn, Martial In-Albon and Niko Stoifberg, presented by Felix Ghezzi. www.strauhof.ch

Exhibition views

Photos: © Riikka Tauriainen
Opening, 22.9.

Photos: © Riikka Tauriainen
Salonpalaver, 25.9.

Photos: © Christina Benz
Artist talk Christina Benz with Riikka Tauriainen and ETH students, 25.9.

Photos: © Christina Benz
Christina Benz and Judith Keller work on site, 24.9. and 26.9.

Photos: © Riikka Tauriainen
Finissage, 28.9.

Photos: © Riikka Tauriainen